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Tutto il materiale informativo presente su "Lemurian Heart - Il Cuore di Lemuria", compresi i testi, le immagini, i loghi, i banners e la grafica in generale - sono di proprietà dei rispettivi autori, che ne detengono l'assoluto copyright e sono protetti dalle leggi internazionali dei propri paesi di appartenenza.
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All material found on "Lemurian Heart - Il Cuore di Lemuria", including texts, images, logos, banners and graphics in general, are the property of their respective authors, who own the whole copyright and are protected by international laws of their countries.
All material that does not belong to those copyright holders comes from the intellect of the author of this site: it is, therefore, derivative work, as it requires a transformation, modification or adaptation of an original work, and therefore, it too is likely to copyright.
The administrator of this website assumes no responsibility for the inaccuracy of the information and/or improper use resulting therefrom. However, you may download and use the material on this site only for your personal use.
It is also forbidden to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, publish, commercially exploit any material on this site, in any form, electronic, digital, analogic or otherwise.
If onto "Lemurian Heart - Il Cuore di Lemuria" site was not in accordance with the present material, the user is asked to notify and it will be immediately removed. In addition, we would point out that all the material on this site has been published for informational and entertainment, in good faith and without any profit.

Lemurian Heart